Who Am I ?


Claire Hixon

Drawing and Talking is a fantastic way of giving someone a way to explore and express their innermost emotions and feelings.

Having worked with many children over the years within local schools in Warwickshire, mostly supporting children with SEN, I have found it invaluable when words were just impossible to find.

Sometimes, no matter our age, we just don’t have the ability to express ourselves, and our emotions are so strong, trying to explain them is beyond reach. Feelings and emotions take over with behaviour sometimes escalating.

It’s been an honour to work with every person helping to battle many issues such as OCD, Self harming, Anxiety, Trauma, Bereavement, Adverse Childhood Experiences, to name but a few. To see children feel able to cope with their studies, go to school, adults find a sense of acceptance and sense of self worth really is humbling. Journeys I will never forget.

All behaviour is a form of communication and this technique provides a tool to use rather than our voice, in fact many people choose not to speak so whether it be a pencil, sand or Lego, it’s your journey and I’m there with you.

As an Advanced Drawing and Talking therapeutic practitioner with over 9 years of practice, and member of the NCPS, I follow the ethical guidance of the BACP, providing you with a person-centred, safe and natural therapeutic service. All my policies and procedures are available on request and I take your privacy and confidentiality very seriously.

Get started, today.